You should vote for Lee because Lee is the future of Toppmart. His ambitious plans will see toppmart reaching new heights, but only if you pledge your support. His passion for freedom ensures your quality of life, and his love of progress means that your quality of life will be ever expanding. Vote for lee if you care about the community you live in, so that we may see the future generations of toppmart to be more succesful than we ever hoped to be.
Tyranny Level: High. Lambskin and the Nazi party represent facist ideals which will see to your community collapsing due to neglect and xenophobia. This party is highly biased towards whites and animes, which is a threat to the Dante & Knuckles Movement.
Tyranny Level: EXTREME. Samantha's Tranny party is a front for the Communist party. Samantha is endorsed by public enemies of toppmart, Eddy Blakerino and his communist cohorts. The tranny/communist party seeks to undermine any idea of freedom you have, and usher in a dystopic era of tranny supremacy.
Tyranny Level: High. The chad party is lead by aggressive goons who exert their authority to exploit you.
Tyranny Level: Medium. This Party is biased towards furries. Bad!
Tyranny Level: Low. The Gross Party is incapable of remembering to breath, much less being able to run a community. Letting weakness into public office is asking for us to be taken advantage of.
Other candidates are of no considerable threat, and should be safely ignored.